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Wolf Protector Matchmaker Page 7
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Page 7
“Well, moving aside your ego, everything seems to be okay. Maybe we should just be thankful for that?”
She was saying that, putting a brave look on her face, but everything was not okay. The fact that half of her shirt was covered in blood, was a pretty good indication of that. I didn't have time to think about that though. I still didn't know if the bounty hunters had saw us go in the cave. Also, I was pretty sure that it was more than one shooter. It was either one guy with two guns, or two guys with one gun, maybe more. I was thinking on more than one, although I wouldn't necessarily say that it was what I’d pick if given a chance.
Anna was trying to act with courage, but it was pretty clear to me, that she was scared out of her mind. I would imagine that the same world that left her a virgin, was a world that left her out of the way of violence as well. She was not taking it well, so I told her that we needed to see how deep the cave was and if we could even stay there for the night. I didn't want to mention that we also needed to wait and see if the body hunters tried to get to us here. I would leave that for later.
Just because I didn't tell her though, didn't mean that I wouldn't be ready for that inevitability. As bad as the storm was raging outside, I hoped that it would give us a little bit of reprieve. Maybe the bounty hunters would find their own cave to go into, and maybe we would have a little bit of time to recuperate and get our wits about us, before we had to confront them. It wasn't something that I was looking forward to, especially with the realization that the woman next to me could really get hurt, and that I would be so upset about it if it happened.
The cave was pretty big, with smaller tunnel that I had no idea where it went to. I had only looked at a couple of maps, and it did not map out a lot of the caves that were tied together. It was basically just the bigger ones that had been well explored. I had a pretty good feeling that this was not one of them. It wouldn’t be, if my luck was holding firm.
When we got back up to the front, I had her remain quiet and as still as she could for a few moments, so that I could look and listen by the opening. It was hard to see or hear anything except the rain splashing into the mud. I stayed there for several moments, waiting and listening, and finally I turned away from the entrance. I was still worried about bounty hunters and mudslides, but I had Anna to tend to.
Now, I had to look at Anna and I had to admit when had happened to her on my watch. I didn't want to. I didn't want to admit I’d slipped up and let her get hurt. My whole job was to keep her safe and I had failed at that one thing I was hired to do. I didn't know how I was supposed to rectify that in my mind. Certainly, it felt impossible at the moment.
“Come here Anna. We have some things to take care of before we lay down.”
She had a question on her face. It was clear that she did not want to come towards me. I wasn't really sure why that was, but because I was so aggravated at myself for letting her get hurt in the first place, I kind of snapped at her.
“Take your damn clothes off and get over here now!”
Immediately, I knew that I was too harsh. It wasn't just the way I could hear it in my tone, but the very reaction on her face. Her eyes got wide and her lip started to quiver. Why the hell was she looking at me like that?
When he first said it, I was just shocked. I had no idea what in the world he was going on about, but I couldn’t believe that he wanted me to take my shirt off. I was about to say something, tell him that he was completely reading the room wrong, but then it occurred to me that I was the one that was reading it all wrong.
Connor had already turned his back to me, sure that he was going to get exactly what he asked for, because he’d asked for it. He probably wouldn’t have thought it so easy, if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had already agreed to do this. I had already agreed that I was going to give him my virginity. I had offered at the beginning of the job, so now he was collecting, and I had to get with it. What I hadn’t figured, was that it would be this way. I hadn’t imagined that he would yell at me the way he was. After this though, I told myself that he wouldn’t again.
I decided that there was no retort for his harsh words, and it would do me little to no good to argue with him about it. The bounty hunters could be coming at any moment and maybe he figured that we might die, so he might as well get what we bargained on. It was a bit morbid, but the whole situation had gone from bad to worse.
My hands were trembling so bad, that I couldn’t even handle it. I was trying to get my pants off, but it was harder than it should have been. I was getting frustrated and I didn’t like how he was making me feel. I was a mess, really I was. Couldn’t he see that this wasn’t the time, or that I needed a minute to pull myself together?
Here I was, trying to get naked as he commanded, and he was rooting around in his bag. He wasn’t even looking, like it didn’t matter and wasn’t of enough importance for him to give me his attention. It wasn’t at all what I had imagined for my first time. I wasn’t too keen on the way it was going either.
I paused at my panties and my bra, wondering if I should take them off as well. I decided that I should, just to make him happy. I didn’t like the frustrated, clipped voice that he had used moments before. I was still just as attracted to him and in need as I was when I had begged him to end the suspense, but it was even worse now. Now, I was naked, standing there, waiting for him to turn around and take away what had been coveted my whole life. It was part of my identity and now I was going to give it to Connor. I didn’t regret it, just wished that it would have been different. Different circumstances, place, time, that sort of thing.
I couldn’t believe how nervous I was. I had offered it, talked about it, begged for it practically and now that it was finally going to happen, I felt like I was coming out of my skin. I couldn’t believe how badly I was shaking. I couldn’t stop it and if he didn’t turn around soon, I was liable to walk out into the rain, just to get away from the tension that was building up inside of me. It was hard to deal with, hard to focus on anything else at the moment. I was losing it, surely I was. This is what it felt like to go insane.
He turned around finally, and his eyes got real wide and he had a first aid kit in his hands. It came crashing to the ground and he just stood there staring at me. I had never been so embarrassed in all of my life. His dark green eyes were devouring me, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking away. Even then though, I could feel his heated gaze. I swear it was going to burn me alive.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought that you…”
God, I felt like an idiot. Why did it have to be so hard? Couldn’t he see what I was doing, what he was doing to me?
His eyes never left my body, as he picked up the first aid kit and the few supplies that had fallen out of it or out of his hand. I really wasn’t sure which one. I didn’t think I would be standing there naked, waiting for him to pick up things off the ground. This was not how I had envisioned it at all.
When I looked back up, Connor was still standing there, several feet from me. He wasn’t saying anything, which was making it harder than ever before. Didn’t he know what he was doing to me? He was driving me crazy, but I couldn’t stop him. I couldn’t make him take me, like I’d tried to do before. It hadn’t worked out very well, from what I remembered.
Instead of speaking, he just moved towards me slowly and said something finally.
“Why don’t you turn to your side, so that I can get a good look at those cuts. We don’t want them to get infected.”
I was so exasperated I could have screamed. Didn’t he know what he was doing to me, where my mind was? I wasn’t thinking about anything that had to do with the shallow cuts on my ribs. Granted, they felt bruised and I wasn’t in the best of shape, but I couldn’t take all of the attention on my body. I was mainly surprised that I wasn’t completely red.
“I wasn’t worried about the cuts.”
He was solemn for a moment. “You shou
ld be. I am sorry that you were hurt. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“It’s okay, really. It’s not like you knew that they were coming. This isn’t your fight and I know that if you wouldn’t have been here, then I might not be here either.”
I was trying to make him feel better, but that was apparently the wrong thing to say about it. I had no idea what was going on in his mind. He was softly touching my skin, rubbing it with something that smelled and burned. I imagined that it was alcohol and I tried not to wince when he was applying it. Moving when he touched a particularly sore spot, he apologized and said that he didn’t want to hurt me.
“I know that you didn’t mean to, but it does hurt. I guess I didn’t realize how much.”
“You’re cold.”
“Well you told me to take my clothes off.”
He didn’t have to say anything. I had much more than that off. I’d thought… I don’t know what I was thinking. It was becoming clear that I needed to stop assuming immediately when it came to him. I was wrong too much and the consequences were too dire.
“Yeah, I did. I guess I should have been more careful what I asked.”
“Are you done.”
“Not even close.”
I looked over at him and he was staring at my tits again. I wanted to tell him that he could touch them. He didn’t have to just look at them longingly. It was making it uncomfortable for me, and I think it was about the same for him. I wanted him to touch me, so why wouldn’t he?
“I don’t understand any of this.”
There was no fire going, because we didn’t want to show a clear sign of where we were to the bounty hunters. If they didn’t know where we were, it was wise to keep it that way. I knew the reason, but it was hard for all of this to be going on in the dark. I’d been in it long enough to get adjusted to it, but I wanted to see everything. I wanted this to all be something I would remember later, in very detail.
“You don’t have to.”
He bandaged up the ribs that he’d been working on and now I just wanted to hide myself. I felt like such a fool.
“I am sorry if I made you feel like something was wrong. It isn’t. You’re beautiful and any man, including me, would love to be with you. This is not how I wanted it to be though. I don’t want you to have this need for me, because you have to. If this is a case of you just making the best out of it, I could almost be okay with that, because you are so hot. It isn’t advisable though.”
“That’s not it at all…”
He didn’t want to hear it, so instead of saying anything else, I just shut my mouth. He was worried about making sure that I didn’t have any more wounds that were in need of care, and he found one spot on my back that needed his attention as well. I wanted to tell him that it would be fine. I wasn’t going to be able to stand there and let him touch me, so close, like he was at the moment, for too much longer. It was too hard to focus on anything else. He had me right where he wanted me. I don’t know how I knew this, but I did. What he was doing to me, I had no idea.
His breath was on my neck, as he stood behind me. Goosebumps went all over my body and I was trembling again. He was so close that I could feel the heat emanating off of him. I wished that he would do more than stand there and play nurse. I needed so much more, and I was sure that Connor was the one that was going to show me how it all worked. He was the sort of man that I’d always secretly wanted, rugged, tall, bold, confident. He was a lady’s man, but still made me feel like I was the only one for him. It was nice to feel that way and I wanted more of the same. I just wanted more of all of it, of him.
“Looks good.”
Every nerve ending in my body was on high alert and then he just started to casually put the pieces of medical equipment back in the bag. He was done, looked back with one more piercing gaze and then he started to put it all up, like none of it had even happened. I was shaking badly, still standing naked for him to see, and nothing. I was offering it all to him again and it wasn’t enough. He didn’t take the bait and it really was killing my self-confidence. Why didn’t he want me, like I wanted him? couldn’t he see that I needed him?
Finally, I ran towards him, unsure what I was doing, but knowing that I had to do something, anything, to get his attention back to me, so that we could see what was supposed to happen next. I wanted to see, needed to really, and I wasn’t going to go another night like this. I just couldn’t. We were both torturing ourselves for no reason.
He didn’t turn around and any bravado that I had was gone. I couldn’t say what needed to be said to him. It was on the tip of my tongue, but it was never going to come out.
“Never mind.”
I was about to give up and put my clothes back on, but I couldn’t honestly imagine going through this for a second longer. I didn’t want this to go on between us anymore. I needed to finally be a woman, to know what it was like to lie with a man and Connor was the only one that I could imagine being with. He was the only one that I wanted.
Without thinking, I rushed towards him and opened my arms wide. I hugged up against him, my tits smashing up against his hard back. I knew that he wanted to put me off, but I couldn’t do it any longer. If he wanted me, he was going to have to do it now. There was no way that I could wait anymore. I was losing it and he was the cure.
“Please don’t walk away from this. I need you Connor. It’s not because of the deal either. It’s because I want you to make me a woman. It’s always been you I was waiting for. I just didn’t know it. Don’t you feel what I feel? Don’t you want this? Don’t you want to be the first man to touch me?”
I heard him growl and then he took a hold of my hands. I wasn’t able to move for a moment.
“Do you know what you’re asking for?”
I agreed that I did, though naturally I didn’t. I had no idea what he was even talking about. I knew that he wasn’t human, and there were rules. Was that what he was talking about?
“I don’t think you do Anna.”
“Then tell me.”
“Once we are together, that’s it. You’re mine.”
I swallowed hard and he pulled me around to look at him. “I won’t be able to just let you walk away.”
Connor didn’t wait for an answer. He kissed me and I no longer cared about words. I wanted feelings, emotions, and touch. It was the only thing that was going to do at this point. I knew that I could worry about the rest of it later. That’s what I was going to have to do, because at the moment, Connor was finally giving me what I said I wanted, but I didn’t realize that it was only making me want it more.
Her lips were slow to the draw, but when Anna finally gave in, she did so fully and in a way that made me wish that I could take my time like I was supposed to. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to. How could I? She had that innocent look in her eyes, as she told me that she wanted me. She needed me even. It was far better than I could have imagined, and it was wreaking havoc on my body. My control was going out the window.
I was still trying to get over the shock of seeing her in such a way. I’d been mad at myself for seeing her hurt, disgusted even, and I’d went to get the first aid kit. I was supposed to be her protector and I was really sucking at the job.
When I turned back around, she was standing there naked, not a stitch. That shy look was back and she was obviously nervous. It had taken only a moment for me to realize what it was she was doing. I had lost my cool and yelled at her to get her clothes off. Thus, why I was looking at long legs, firm tits and a dark patch of hair that especially had my attention. I knew exactly what I wanted most, and she was trying her best not to meet my eyes.
I turned her around, so that her back was to me. I couldn’t look at those eyes anymore. It did double duty. First, I needed to get my eyes away from the way she was looking at me. I wanted to slide into her immediately, throw her down and take her. That was my f
irst reaction to it all. I just needed her.
I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to stop the inevitable. I wasn’t going to be able to wait for answers, or for the job to be done. After seeing her naked body and the way she was offering herself to me again, there was no way that I could put this off any longer. I think I would have rather done anything else. Anything, but to put off for another second sliding into this woman and making her mine. I would be the first and I wanted to be the only.
“Why are you so impatient? I thought that you were worried that it would hurt?”
She stiffened up as my hands came around to knead her breasts. My voice was in her ear, and my lips were pressing against the smooth skin at her neck. I needed to get her ready, but she was already trembling so nicely. I was barely touching her, and she was already responding.
“I guess I realized that it hurts worse not to. Every minute that you are not doing what was agreed, I wonder. It occupies my mind and then you kiss me… Well, then I can’t think about much of anything but that. It’s quite consuming. I think if you would just…”
One hand slid between her legs and I heard the gasp that came from it. She stopped mid-sentence and I liked how I wasn’t the only one that could be affected so easily.
“Is that what you want?”
I slid a finger in between her lower lips and pressed against the tiny button of desire. She made another sound, this time more pained and I knew that she was just getting started. Anna was going to cry out loudly. I just knew it and it was such a turn-on to think about.
As long as I kept up the inner-dialogue, and I kept my pants on, I was pretty sure that I could get her just about there, before I lost myself completely. It wasn’t far off, but I was hopeful that I could stave it off longer. Knowing that it was her first time, I had to make sure that it was done right.